Pictures from around the Clarkston area including Stamperland, Netherlee & Busby Click on the pictures
Fortunecity Pages
Warning: Pop-up ads are used by Fortunecity to finance the provision of free web-space. Whilst most of these are companies such as AMAZON & EBAY are acceptable (?), others have recently appeared that are of a more dubious nature (Adult !?!). I do not condone this form of advertising and recommend the use of software to block such ads. Software can be downloaded free from ie. Fortunecity's justification is displayed below.
1. Why do advertising banners pop-up when my page is loaded and appear inline on my pages?
Simply put, the banners are present so that you don't have to pay for your free web space. These banners allow FortuneCity to provide you with free web space in exchange for a small amount of room on each of your web pages, or ads that pop-up when your page is loaded.
These banners may not be altered in any way and will automatically pop-up or be automatically inserted into your pages. You may not move or resize them. Also, if your page uses frames be aware that a banner will be inserted into each frame that is large enough to accept it.
If you would like to have a web site where no ads appear on your pages, we recommend you sign up for one of our affordable ad-free hosting plans. Check out the different plans by clicking here.
2. Can I move or resize them?
No. As per our terms of service, you cannot move or resize the banners.
3. Can I put up my own advertising banners?
No, the only banner advertising allowed on your page is that placed there by FortuneCity.
4. What will happen if I delete them?
It is not possible to remove the advertising banners.
5. A banner has appeared on my second page, is this normal?
Yes, as stated in the terms of service, you must have a banner on every one of your HTML pages.
6. I want to have a page with frames. Will a banner appear in all of my frames?
A banner will
automatically be inserted into all frames that are large enough to accept it. It
will not be inserted into narrow "index style" menus.